Monday, November 17, 2008
Friday, November 14, 2008
Sick Celtic fans taunt player over horror injury
Nov 14 2008 By Keith Jackson - Daily Record
KEVIN THOMSON spoke of his disgust last night after internet sickos rejoiced over his career threatening knee injury.
The Rangers midfielder is facing up to eight months out of the game after a horrific accident at Kilmarnock on Sunday when the insides of his left knee were left in tatters following a challenge with Kilmanock's David Fernandez.
Thomson jetted to London on Wednesday to visit a Harley Street specialist who confirmed the player's cruciate ligament has "disappeared completely".
He has also damaged both medial ligaments in the joint.
Dr Andrew Williams is confident surgery will save Thomson's career and that he should be back in time for the start of next season.
But the leading surgeon has also warned the 24-year-old that there is a small risk that the operation might NOT be a success.
While Thomson braces himself for the op he has also been informed of vile and repulsive taunts on a Celtic fans' website - mocking the moment he suffered his horror injury.
Since Monday users have been invited to click on a picture of Thomson lying in agony on the Rugby Park turf to gain entry to the site.
The picture was framed in black and adorned with the foul slogan Karma - it's a ****.
The page was eventually removed yesterday.
In part of an extraordinarily frank interview with Record Sport, Thomson said: "I'm gobsmacked by this.
"Just to realise there are people out there who are capable of doing something so sick turns my stomach.
"Since Sunday I have had nothing but support and kind words but there are always some idiots out there who are capable of stuff like this.
"These people can do what they want but they won't dampen my mood.
"If anything, this kind of thing just makes me all the more determined to get back playing again."
It's understood Rangers chief executive Martin Bain is "appalled" by the sick jibe and he moved quickly yesterday to have a statement released by Ibrox PR chiefs.
It read: "The club condemns this type of behaviour on any unofficial site.
"To make fun of Kevin, who has suffered a serious knee injury that has ended his season, is totally abhorrent and further backs up the club's position that such sites are full of bile which is totally unacceptable and has no place in football."
Celtic also moved to distance themselves from the site last night.
A club spokesman said: "We would condemn all material of this nature.
Unfortunately, content of this kind features on sites related to a number of football clubs.
"This particular one has absolutely no connection to Celtic Football Club."
Thomson is determined to bounce back from this latest shattering blow which comes five years after he suffered an almost identical injury to his right knee.
He said: "The surgeon has to be honest so he has pointed out that some operations are not completely successful.
"But he is the best in Britain - he has done similar operations on some of the top players at Chelsea and Manchester United - and he is more than confident that I'll be back within six to eight months.
"I've been through it all before and there is no doubt in my mind I'll be back in a Rangers strip before long.
"For the first time in my life I'm getting excited just thinking about the first day of pre-season training!"
KEVIN THOMSON spoke of his disgust last night after internet sickos rejoiced over his career threatening knee injury.
The Rangers midfielder is facing up to eight months out of the game after a horrific accident at Kilmarnock on Sunday when the insides of his left knee were left in tatters following a challenge with Kilmanock's David Fernandez.
Thomson jetted to London on Wednesday to visit a Harley Street specialist who confirmed the player's cruciate ligament has "disappeared completely".
He has also damaged both medial ligaments in the joint.
Dr Andrew Williams is confident surgery will save Thomson's career and that he should be back in time for the start of next season.
But the leading surgeon has also warned the 24-year-old that there is a small risk that the operation might NOT be a success.
While Thomson braces himself for the op he has also been informed of vile and repulsive taunts on a Celtic fans' website - mocking the moment he suffered his horror injury.
Since Monday users have been invited to click on a picture of Thomson lying in agony on the Rugby Park turf to gain entry to the site.
The picture was framed in black and adorned with the foul slogan Karma - it's a ****.
The page was eventually removed yesterday.
In part of an extraordinarily frank interview with Record Sport, Thomson said: "I'm gobsmacked by this.
"Just to realise there are people out there who are capable of doing something so sick turns my stomach.
"Since Sunday I have had nothing but support and kind words but there are always some idiots out there who are capable of stuff like this.
"These people can do what they want but they won't dampen my mood.
"If anything, this kind of thing just makes me all the more determined to get back playing again."
It's understood Rangers chief executive Martin Bain is "appalled" by the sick jibe and he moved quickly yesterday to have a statement released by Ibrox PR chiefs.
It read: "The club condemns this type of behaviour on any unofficial site.
"To make fun of Kevin, who has suffered a serious knee injury that has ended his season, is totally abhorrent and further backs up the club's position that such sites are full of bile which is totally unacceptable and has no place in football."
Celtic also moved to distance themselves from the site last night.
A club spokesman said: "We would condemn all material of this nature.
Unfortunately, content of this kind features on sites related to a number of football clubs.
"This particular one has absolutely no connection to Celtic Football Club."
Thomson is determined to bounce back from this latest shattering blow which comes five years after he suffered an almost identical injury to his right knee.
He said: "The surgeon has to be honest so he has pointed out that some operations are not completely successful.
"But he is the best in Britain - he has done similar operations on some of the top players at Chelsea and Manchester United - and he is more than confident that I'll be back within six to eight months.
"I've been through it all before and there is no doubt in my mind I'll be back in a Rangers strip before long.
"For the first time in my life I'm getting excited just thinking about the first day of pre-season training!"
Tuesday, November 11, 2008
A Spurs fans view on Celtic
They support the IRA..enough said...these genetic throwbacks bring shame on a famous CLub.As for the scandal of telling serviceman that they would not be welcome at the ground wearing the uniform is traitorous.
Rememberence Day gives us as a Nation time to reflect and pay homage to those who died fighting for the freedoms we to-day enjoy.
To disrespect those who lost their lives fighting the Germans should be arrested and charged under the anti terrorist laws.
What these mental pygmies dont understand that is the second world war the deluded and evil regime assocaited ginger hair with being a jewish trait so all those Irish with a ginger bounce would have found themselves taking a shower....Democracy isnt perfect but I doubt the thickos who made this protest would understand.
In Dublin there is a memorial to a Nazi U I offended by it.NO..The Irish remained neutral and got support from the suprised they would have been had they allowed the Germans in only to see their population slaughtered just like every other country they infected...
Rememberence Day gives us as a Nation time to reflect and pay homage to those who died fighting for the freedoms we to-day enjoy.
To disrespect those who lost their lives fighting the Germans should be arrested and charged under the anti terrorist laws.
What these mental pygmies dont understand that is the second world war the deluded and evil regime assocaited ginger hair with being a jewish trait so all those Irish with a ginger bounce would have found themselves taking a shower....Democracy isnt perfect but I doubt the thickos who made this protest would understand.
In Dublin there is a memorial to a Nazi U I offended by it.NO..The Irish remained neutral and got support from the suprised they would have been had they allowed the Germans in only to see their population slaughtered just like every other country they infected...
Silence is not Green, White and Golden
Written by a user of
Silence is not Green, White and Golden
In December 1915, when I was seventeen and a half, I ran away from home to join the 4th Battalion East Surreys. I was under age so I had to lie to the recruitment sergeant. I said I was eighteen years old and my name was Sydney Harrison. I told the truth later though, because if I’d been killed as Harrison, nobody would ever have known what happened to me.
Arras was the first time I went over the top. We played football together as we went over. That was the tradition in the East Surreys. I remember the ball dropping at my feet and I passed it to Captain Maxwell. ‘That was a good pass you made young Withers!’ he shouted before he thumped it towards the German lines.
I got wounded at the end of that battle. I was temporarily blinded in one eye but it could have been worse. At the end of the battle, I lay bleeding in a trench. There was blood coming out of my eye, pouring out all over my face. My head looked blown in. They thought I was dead and they were going to bury me. I was in a half-conscious state and I can remember a soldier getting hold of me and saying “Here – this blokes alive!’ That man saved my life, by calling that out. I’d have been buried alive in Arras, if it hadn’t been for him.
Above, the words of Cecil Withers from the book “Last Post – The Final Word From Our First World War Soldiers”. Cecil recounts his time on the Western Front as a teenager fighting for our country.
Last weekend 65 senior football matches were played in Great Britain. Prior to kick-off at 64 of them, fans of opposing clubs put aside their rivalries and stood silent in tribute to those brave men and women who gave their lives in service of our country. In the 65th senior game the mould was broken. Celtic Football Club spat in the face of common decency by instead hosting a minute’s applause in recognition of those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Think about it. Applause. For 20 million lives destroyed.
Those of a Celtic persuasion couldn’t even bring themselves to admit who they were honouring. The Celtic Park Master of Ceremonies told the 55,000 crowd the minute’s applause was to remember “the Celtic players who died in both World Wars”. He further stated that the clapping of hands to show respect for the dead is “the Celtic way”. It most certainly is.
Of course the increasingly incompetent Lex Gold of the SPL must shoulder part of the blame for the shame that this has heaped upon Scottish football. The option of a minute’s applause as an alternative to the traditional silence should never have entered his distorted mind. In the name of decency it simply shouldn’t have been an option. Let’s not mince words here. This option was devised to save Celtic Football Club acute embarrassment.
In decrying Gold, let’s not lose sight of who the real culprits are in this blackest of days for Scottish football. Celtic Football Club. Their directors and Chief Executive could and should have insisted they follow protocol. Their Chairman is a former Secretary for Defence for God’s sake. They could and should have shown they cared and turned their backs on the hate-filled cretins amongst their support who intended disrupting proceedings. They could and should have requested police eject anyone breaking the silence from their stadium or arrest them for breach of the peace. But damage limitation, not decency and decorum, was order of the day and foremost in the minds of John Reid, Peter Lawwell and Co.
“Keep the name of Celtic clean at all costs” the mantra once again. Thus they opted to shame themselves and their football club in the most contemptible way imaginable.
Predictably the Celtic-minded apologists were at their pre and post-match best, deflecting and rewriting as only they can. On Saturday morning the Daily Record told us the minutes applause was introduced in Scotland after Hearts fans disrupted a silence for the Pope. Lies. The first minutes applause in Scotland took place at Ceptic Park in honour of the late great George Best. The reason? Best had made some derogatory remarks about Gerry Adams and the IRA in his Mail on Sunday column a year earlier, propmting outrage in Republican circles. The Celtic heirarchy knew any silence would be disrupted.
At pains to propagate the increasingly risible “tiny-minority” line, the media once again did Peter Lawwell’s bidding for him. Numbers for those who walked out of Celtic Park in protest against “British Imperialism” ranged from a few hundred to Hugh Keevins’ ridiculous 20 figure. Mark Guidi in the Sunday Mail clawed hopelessly as he stated “a maximum of 80 Celtic fans left the stadium”. How bloody desperate.
Celtic of course refused to speak out, their work done for them. “Not worthy of comment” said a Celtic spokesman, just as 3500 of their fans singing loudly in tribute to their IRA heroes at Tynecastle the previous weekend had similarly been “not worthy of comment”. Are we really to believe that these same morons would have respected a silence one week on? The same Celtic supporters who had verbally abused poppy-sellers outside the Hearts stadium? The same Hearts who lost a whole first team in the fields of France during the Great War? Of course they would. We know exactly what would have happened, and Celtic knew too. Thousands of their clubs fans would have been shown up for exactly what they are – hate-filled, shameless anti-British fascists and racists.
Keevins described the actions of the assembled throng of IRA sympathisers as “a serious embarrassment for us as a country”. Wrong Mr. Keevins. They are a serious embarrassment to Ireland as a country, for these creatures are not Scottish or British, they are Irish. Ask them for yourself.
On Saturday night I watched the Festival of Remembrance on BBC1. I sat in awe as Lance Corporal Mathew Croucher of 40 Commando Royal Marines was piped in carrying the Book of Remembrance, by Scottish soldiers. Lance Corporal Croucher had thrown his body across a live hand-grenade to save the lives of two of his comrades. Only his backpack saved him from being blown to pieces. He was awarded the George Cross for his bravery. I was reminded of Sergeant Michael Willets of 3rd Battalion Parachute Regiment, husband and father, who threw himself on top of a hand-grenade tossed into Springfield Road Police Station Belfast by the IRA in 1971. Sergeant Willets gave his own life to save the lives of Catholic/Nationalist/Republican women and children sheltering in the station. He was posthumously awarded the George Cross.
I continued to watch as British soldiers of all races, creeds and colours paid tribute to fallen comrades. I listened intently as Lt. Col. Joe O’Sullivan 2nd Battalion Parachute Regiment lamented the loss of three of his men in Iraq. The Lt. Col. could I’m sure trace his roots back to Ireland should he so choose. This set me thinking. Why are people like Joe O’Sullivan, and thousands of others like him, fully assimilated and proud of the adopted country of their ancestors, yet we in West-Central Scotland have the continual embarrassment and perpetual shame of those of Irish ancestry who despise us?
The answer is Celtic Football Club. An organisation diseased to its core. In the beginning we had Marist Brother Walfrid introducing bigotry to football when founding the club “prompted by a fear that Protestant soup kitchens might tempt young Catholics into apostasy” and “worried about the dangers of young Catholics meeting Protestants in their place of employment or leisure” (Football historian Bill Murray from his book “The Old Firm”). Walfrid's co-recruitment agent for Celtic was a Fenian, Pat Welsh, on the run from Ireland suspected of murder. Choice company for a man of the cloth. This would of course be the same Walfrid that Celtic history books clearly document as leading the singing of Irish rebel songs in St Mary's Parish Hall, Glasgow, in November 1887.
On to the opening ceremony for Celtic Park when the convicted Fenian gun-runner and “embittered Irish Nationalist who was anti-British to the backbone” Michael Davitt laid the first piece of turf. Fast-forward to September 17th 1941, when the SFA closed Parkhead for a month because of Celtic fans’ “serious misbehaviour and pro-German chants”. To the Falklands conflict when Ce ltic fans chanted “Argentina, Argentina” and “Malvinas, Malvinas” in support of Galtieri’s fascist military dictatorship. Not forgetting 30 years of Provisional IRA support and the Celtic Board of Directors’ insistence on P.A. broadcasts of dewy-eyed ballads “rebelling against the Crown” and featuring “let the people sing” Irish Republican lyrics. I could add the Irish Republican vocalist at Jackie MacNamara’s testimonial, the disruption of a minutes silence for a member of the Royal Family, Republican flute bands playing at testimonial matches, Celtic players singing IRA songs………..
I would also mention the dozens of “Celtic pubs” that are little more than meeting places and breeding grounds for terrorist sympathisers and what former Celtic chairman Fergus McCann so deftly described as “Celtic-minded Catholic bigots”. Witness the IRA theme park that the Barrowlands ghetto of Glasgow has become with its Sinn Fein shops and public houses festooned in Irish Republican symbology. Shame on Glasgow City Council who seem happy to allow this area to expand.
Swathes of Liverpool and Everton fans can trace their Irish heritage back to when their ancestors sailed to England. Likewise the Arsenal fans of Kilburn and other areas of London heavily populated by descendents of Irish settlers, but they don’t embarrass their club in the way Celtic fans do. That’s because their board of directors don’t actively encourage them to. History has shown us that Celtic Football Club and its fans have used anything at their disposal to express their pro-Irish Republican anti British stance. On Saturday, even by their own standards, they reached a new all time low. The scandalous events show us nothing has changed in over 100 years. Celtic fans espouse a brand of puss-filled Irish Republicanism that brings with it a hatred unrivalled anywhere in European football. This is Scotland’s REAL secret shame.
‘When you go home, tell them of us and say, for their tomorrow, we gave our today’
Cecil Withers passed away on 17th April 2005, at the ripe old age of 106. May he rest in peace. Were he were alive to witness Saturdays events, one wonders if he’d still believe the sacrifice of his fellow soldiers made was worth it.
Silence is not Green, White and Golden
In December 1915, when I was seventeen and a half, I ran away from home to join the 4th Battalion East Surreys. I was under age so I had to lie to the recruitment sergeant. I said I was eighteen years old and my name was Sydney Harrison. I told the truth later though, because if I’d been killed as Harrison, nobody would ever have known what happened to me.
Arras was the first time I went over the top. We played football together as we went over. That was the tradition in the East Surreys. I remember the ball dropping at my feet and I passed it to Captain Maxwell. ‘That was a good pass you made young Withers!’ he shouted before he thumped it towards the German lines.
I got wounded at the end of that battle. I was temporarily blinded in one eye but it could have been worse. At the end of the battle, I lay bleeding in a trench. There was blood coming out of my eye, pouring out all over my face. My head looked blown in. They thought I was dead and they were going to bury me. I was in a half-conscious state and I can remember a soldier getting hold of me and saying “Here – this blokes alive!’ That man saved my life, by calling that out. I’d have been buried alive in Arras, if it hadn’t been for him.
Above, the words of Cecil Withers from the book “Last Post – The Final Word From Our First World War Soldiers”. Cecil recounts his time on the Western Front as a teenager fighting for our country.
Last weekend 65 senior football matches were played in Great Britain. Prior to kick-off at 64 of them, fans of opposing clubs put aside their rivalries and stood silent in tribute to those brave men and women who gave their lives in service of our country. In the 65th senior game the mould was broken. Celtic Football Club spat in the face of common decency by instead hosting a minute’s applause in recognition of those who made the ultimate sacrifice.
Think about it. Applause. For 20 million lives destroyed.
Those of a Celtic persuasion couldn’t even bring themselves to admit who they were honouring. The Celtic Park Master of Ceremonies told the 55,000 crowd the minute’s applause was to remember “the Celtic players who died in both World Wars”. He further stated that the clapping of hands to show respect for the dead is “the Celtic way”. It most certainly is.
Of course the increasingly incompetent Lex Gold of the SPL must shoulder part of the blame for the shame that this has heaped upon Scottish football. The option of a minute’s applause as an alternative to the traditional silence should never have entered his distorted mind. In the name of decency it simply shouldn’t have been an option. Let’s not mince words here. This option was devised to save Celtic Football Club acute embarrassment.
In decrying Gold, let’s not lose sight of who the real culprits are in this blackest of days for Scottish football. Celtic Football Club. Their directors and Chief Executive could and should have insisted they follow protocol. Their Chairman is a former Secretary for Defence for God’s sake. They could and should have shown they cared and turned their backs on the hate-filled cretins amongst their support who intended disrupting proceedings. They could and should have requested police eject anyone breaking the silence from their stadium or arrest them for breach of the peace. But damage limitation, not decency and decorum, was order of the day and foremost in the minds of John Reid, Peter Lawwell and Co.
“Keep the name of Celtic clean at all costs” the mantra once again. Thus they opted to shame themselves and their football club in the most contemptible way imaginable.
Predictably the Celtic-minded apologists were at their pre and post-match best, deflecting and rewriting as only they can. On Saturday morning the Daily Record told us the minutes applause was introduced in Scotland after Hearts fans disrupted a silence for the Pope. Lies. The first minutes applause in Scotland took place at Ceptic Park in honour of the late great George Best. The reason? Best had made some derogatory remarks about Gerry Adams and the IRA in his Mail on Sunday column a year earlier, propmting outrage in Republican circles. The Celtic heirarchy knew any silence would be disrupted.
At pains to propagate the increasingly risible “tiny-minority” line, the media once again did Peter Lawwell’s bidding for him. Numbers for those who walked out of Celtic Park in protest against “British Imperialism” ranged from a few hundred to Hugh Keevins’ ridiculous 20 figure. Mark Guidi in the Sunday Mail clawed hopelessly as he stated “a maximum of 80 Celtic fans left the stadium”. How bloody desperate.
Celtic of course refused to speak out, their work done for them. “Not worthy of comment” said a Celtic spokesman, just as 3500 of their fans singing loudly in tribute to their IRA heroes at Tynecastle the previous weekend had similarly been “not worthy of comment”. Are we really to believe that these same morons would have respected a silence one week on? The same Celtic supporters who had verbally abused poppy-sellers outside the Hearts stadium? The same Hearts who lost a whole first team in the fields of France during the Great War? Of course they would. We know exactly what would have happened, and Celtic knew too. Thousands of their clubs fans would have been shown up for exactly what they are – hate-filled, shameless anti-British fascists and racists.
Keevins described the actions of the assembled throng of IRA sympathisers as “a serious embarrassment for us as a country”. Wrong Mr. Keevins. They are a serious embarrassment to Ireland as a country, for these creatures are not Scottish or British, they are Irish. Ask them for yourself.
On Saturday night I watched the Festival of Remembrance on BBC1. I sat in awe as Lance Corporal Mathew Croucher of 40 Commando Royal Marines was piped in carrying the Book of Remembrance, by Scottish soldiers. Lance Corporal Croucher had thrown his body across a live hand-grenade to save the lives of two of his comrades. Only his backpack saved him from being blown to pieces. He was awarded the George Cross for his bravery. I was reminded of Sergeant Michael Willets of 3rd Battalion Parachute Regiment, husband and father, who threw himself on top of a hand-grenade tossed into Springfield Road Police Station Belfast by the IRA in 1971. Sergeant Willets gave his own life to save the lives of Catholic/Nationalist/Republican women and children sheltering in the station. He was posthumously awarded the George Cross.
I continued to watch as British soldiers of all races, creeds and colours paid tribute to fallen comrades. I listened intently as Lt. Col. Joe O’Sullivan 2nd Battalion Parachute Regiment lamented the loss of three of his men in Iraq. The Lt. Col. could I’m sure trace his roots back to Ireland should he so choose. This set me thinking. Why are people like Joe O’Sullivan, and thousands of others like him, fully assimilated and proud of the adopted country of their ancestors, yet we in West-Central Scotland have the continual embarrassment and perpetual shame of those of Irish ancestry who despise us?
The answer is Celtic Football Club. An organisation diseased to its core. In the beginning we had Marist Brother Walfrid introducing bigotry to football when founding the club “prompted by a fear that Protestant soup kitchens might tempt young Catholics into apostasy” and “worried about the dangers of young Catholics meeting Protestants in their place of employment or leisure” (Football historian Bill Murray from his book “The Old Firm”). Walfrid's co-recruitment agent for Celtic was a Fenian, Pat Welsh, on the run from Ireland suspected of murder. Choice company for a man of the cloth. This would of course be the same Walfrid that Celtic history books clearly document as leading the singing of Irish rebel songs in St Mary's Parish Hall, Glasgow, in November 1887.
On to the opening ceremony for Celtic Park when the convicted Fenian gun-runner and “embittered Irish Nationalist who was anti-British to the backbone” Michael Davitt laid the first piece of turf. Fast-forward to September 17th 1941, when the SFA closed Parkhead for a month because of Celtic fans’ “serious misbehaviour and pro-German chants”. To the Falklands conflict when Ce ltic fans chanted “Argentina, Argentina” and “Malvinas, Malvinas” in support of Galtieri’s fascist military dictatorship. Not forgetting 30 years of Provisional IRA support and the Celtic Board of Directors’ insistence on P.A. broadcasts of dewy-eyed ballads “rebelling against the Crown” and featuring “let the people sing” Irish Republican lyrics. I could add the Irish Republican vocalist at Jackie MacNamara’s testimonial, the disruption of a minutes silence for a member of the Royal Family, Republican flute bands playing at testimonial matches, Celtic players singing IRA songs………..
I would also mention the dozens of “Celtic pubs” that are little more than meeting places and breeding grounds for terrorist sympathisers and what former Celtic chairman Fergus McCann so deftly described as “Celtic-minded Catholic bigots”. Witness the IRA theme park that the Barrowlands ghetto of Glasgow has become with its Sinn Fein shops and public houses festooned in Irish Republican symbology. Shame on Glasgow City Council who seem happy to allow this area to expand.
Swathes of Liverpool and Everton fans can trace their Irish heritage back to when their ancestors sailed to England. Likewise the Arsenal fans of Kilburn and other areas of London heavily populated by descendents of Irish settlers, but they don’t embarrass their club in the way Celtic fans do. That’s because their board of directors don’t actively encourage them to. History has shown us that Celtic Football Club and its fans have used anything at their disposal to express their pro-Irish Republican anti British stance. On Saturday, even by their own standards, they reached a new all time low. The scandalous events show us nothing has changed in over 100 years. Celtic fans espouse a brand of puss-filled Irish Republicanism that brings with it a hatred unrivalled anywhere in European football. This is Scotland’s REAL secret shame.
‘When you go home, tell them of us and say, for their tomorrow, we gave our today’
Cecil Withers passed away on 17th April 2005, at the ripe old age of 106. May he rest in peace. Were he were alive to witness Saturdays events, one wonders if he’d still believe the sacrifice of his fellow soldiers made was worth it.
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"Celtic were heavily criticised for sanctioning a minute's applause at the weekend and not all of it came from fans of other teams. Some of their own support are unhappy at the manner in which they handled such a sensitive issue.
Tommy Taylor, Alloa, said: "On the day so many acts of bravery should be remembered it is sad that Celtic's attitude will be remembered as an act of cowardice."
James Malloy, Lincoln, said: "I came up for the game and felt like leaving after 10 minutes, I was so disgusted by the fans who protested. Some of the stuff going on is ridiculous and it is appalling and embarrassing. There should be a statement from the club condemning these people."
Joe Fitzpatrick, Fife, said: "I am a Celtic fan and proud of where the club came from but this has gone too far and I point the finger at Peter Lawwell and John Reid. They have turned Celtic Park into some kind of Irish theme park on matchdays and it is not a 'cosy' Irishness either.
"I fully expect guys to be dressed as leprechauns manning the turnstiles in the near future. We need to rein this in - I don't want to see it at my club."
David White, Erskine, said: "Jim Traynor's article about the minute's applause at Parkhead was spot-on. Every ground had a minute's silence apart from Celtic Park and the club should come out and tell us why. Is Reid frightened some of his club's supporters would have let them down? He ought to get his house in order."
Sam Edgar, Dunfermline, said: "I am disgusted by the minute's applause. After 90 years of silent tribute, what they did was demeaning and whoever made the decision to do that should apologise to the British Legion."
Sam Veitch, Yorkshire, said: "Only in Scotland could Armistice Day become a football issue. But the SPL made it that way by insisting every club wore poppies on their shirts. The argument over the minute's silence or minute's applause stemmed from Hearts fans, when some of them couldn't keep quiet during the silence for the death of the Pope."
James Forsyth, Antrim, said: "What were the police doing when the protesters outside Parkhead were singing their songs in support of the IRA? I hope Celtic ban the fans who walked out of the stadium to support them."
Tommy Taylor, Alloa, said: "On the day so many acts of bravery should be remembered it is sad that Celtic's attitude will be remembered as an act of cowardice."
James Malloy, Lincoln, said: "I came up for the game and felt like leaving after 10 minutes, I was so disgusted by the fans who protested. Some of the stuff going on is ridiculous and it is appalling and embarrassing. There should be a statement from the club condemning these people."
Joe Fitzpatrick, Fife, said: "I am a Celtic fan and proud of where the club came from but this has gone too far and I point the finger at Peter Lawwell and John Reid. They have turned Celtic Park into some kind of Irish theme park on matchdays and it is not a 'cosy' Irishness either.
"I fully expect guys to be dressed as leprechauns manning the turnstiles in the near future. We need to rein this in - I don't want to see it at my club."
David White, Erskine, said: "Jim Traynor's article about the minute's applause at Parkhead was spot-on. Every ground had a minute's silence apart from Celtic Park and the club should come out and tell us why. Is Reid frightened some of his club's supporters would have let them down? He ought to get his house in order."
Sam Edgar, Dunfermline, said: "I am disgusted by the minute's applause. After 90 years of silent tribute, what they did was demeaning and whoever made the decision to do that should apologise to the British Legion."
Sam Veitch, Yorkshire, said: "Only in Scotland could Armistice Day become a football issue. But the SPL made it that way by insisting every club wore poppies on their shirts. The argument over the minute's silence or minute's applause stemmed from Hearts fans, when some of them couldn't keep quiet during the silence for the death of the Pope."
James Forsyth, Antrim, said: "What were the police doing when the protesters outside Parkhead were singing their songs in support of the IRA? I hope Celtic ban the fans who walked out of the stadium to support them."
Monday, November 10, 2008
Stop the claptrap now
Jim Traynor, 10/11/08 - Daily Record
STOP clapping. Silence. Please. What was that all about on Saturday?
Only in Scotland could observing a minute's silence for those who fell in battle for their country become such an issue.
God Almighty, millions died and some of us have to agonise over how they should be remembered. Pathetic, isn't it?
And it would be so easy to blame the SPL. After all, everything is their fault.
From the warming, or indeed cooling of the planet depending on which mad scientists you believe, to the state of the economy, Lex Gold and his little helpers are responsible for so many of the world's ills.
The SPL are incapable of making the correct calls. They exist, I suspect, to take the heat off that SFA lot along the Hampden corridor.
But even though we should be used to their Inspector Clouseau approach to management by now, the SPL's refusal to order their clubs to observe a minute of silence at the weekend should be remembered as one of their most disgraceful and possibly cowardly acts.
And yet, it was a simple matter because the way we remember our war dead in this country is through a minute's silence. That's it. Silence, not hand clapping. Just silence.
The deep, sombre quiet on Remembrance Day is a source of comfort to all those who lost fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters, friends and comrades in the First and Second World Wars and who today are still losing loved ones in far away places with unpronounceable names.
Frankly, the SPL had no right to suggest anything different and I can only assume they did so because they didn't want to place Celtic in an awkward situation. That shouldn't have been any of their concern. They should have considered nothing other than the feelings of all the many millions in this country who will fall silent again tomorrow on the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month.
But having been given the choice Celtic opted for a minute's applause before their match against Motherwell and it should be stressed that just about every fan inside Celtic Park applauded.
Of course they did because like the vast majority of football fans they are decent people and were always going to remember the dead. It's just a pity the SPL and Celtic didn't have a little more faith in them.
They would, I'm sure, have observed the silence almost to a man with a small number refusing.
Had they called out or jeered then only they, and not the club, would have been shamed. In fact, Celtic would have deserved enormous credit for having done the right thing and the handful who would have tried to ruin the silence could have been flushed out.
That would have been a good thing and would not have brought condemnation on the club.
But by opting for the applause Celtic set themselves apart. They also left themselves open to all sorts of accusations and didn't help their own cause by saying they went for the applause because that's the way things are done at Celtic Park and around Europe.
Applauding has become fashionable but at this time of the year it is hardly appropriate.
There is only one proper way to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice and that is by falling silent.
Nothing is more poignant than that silence and it wasn't Celtic's place, or the SPL's, to change that unless they had canvassed their fans and asked them what they preferred.
A handful of Celtic's Irish fans did exercise their right to protest against the wearing of poppies and the minute of remembrance on Saturday but they were ignored by the masses.
As protests go, this one was pretty feeble with some of those taking part looking more than a little embarrassed.
And that enforces the belief that Celtic should have been bold enough and confident enough in all the terrific work they are doing to weed out the last of those fans who still want to laud the IRA and cling to the past.
We all know they are there and it's silly to deny their existence.
They could and should have been outed on Saturday and that would have been another step forward for us all in this country.
The chance was lost, however, and you have to wonder what Celtic's chairman was thinking on Saturday. Does John Reid really believe applause is the correct way to remember the country's fallen?
Surely not. After all, the former Secretary of State for Defence was one of the highest-ranking politicians who sent the British Army to fight in a war that should never have been started.
He's no longer in the Government but the troops are still in Iraq and Afghanistan and the dead count gets higher.
So what does Reid think is the appropriate way? Has he ever stood at the Cenotaph and applauded? Does he think all those voters who elected him MP for Airdrie and Shotts would agree with a minute's applause?
You have to doubt very much if Reid feels applause was appropriate on such a solemn occasion but, actually, Reid did observe silence. He hasn't said a word about Celtic's decision to break ranks and that's unusual for aman who likes to talk.
Perhaps he would care to explain his silence some time. Maybe he'll let everyone know if he thinks Celtic did the right thing.
Come on John, speak up. You might even be applauded for it.
STOP clapping. Silence. Please. What was that all about on Saturday?
Only in Scotland could observing a minute's silence for those who fell in battle for their country become such an issue.
God Almighty, millions died and some of us have to agonise over how they should be remembered. Pathetic, isn't it?
And it would be so easy to blame the SPL. After all, everything is their fault.
From the warming, or indeed cooling of the planet depending on which mad scientists you believe, to the state of the economy, Lex Gold and his little helpers are responsible for so many of the world's ills.
The SPL are incapable of making the correct calls. They exist, I suspect, to take the heat off that SFA lot along the Hampden corridor.
But even though we should be used to their Inspector Clouseau approach to management by now, the SPL's refusal to order their clubs to observe a minute of silence at the weekend should be remembered as one of their most disgraceful and possibly cowardly acts.
And yet, it was a simple matter because the way we remember our war dead in this country is through a minute's silence. That's it. Silence, not hand clapping. Just silence.
The deep, sombre quiet on Remembrance Day is a source of comfort to all those who lost fathers, mothers, brothers and sisters, friends and comrades in the First and Second World Wars and who today are still losing loved ones in far away places with unpronounceable names.
Frankly, the SPL had no right to suggest anything different and I can only assume they did so because they didn't want to place Celtic in an awkward situation. That shouldn't have been any of their concern. They should have considered nothing other than the feelings of all the many millions in this country who will fall silent again tomorrow on the 11th hour on the 11th day of the 11th month.
But having been given the choice Celtic opted for a minute's applause before their match against Motherwell and it should be stressed that just about every fan inside Celtic Park applauded.
Of course they did because like the vast majority of football fans they are decent people and were always going to remember the dead. It's just a pity the SPL and Celtic didn't have a little more faith in them.
They would, I'm sure, have observed the silence almost to a man with a small number refusing.
Had they called out or jeered then only they, and not the club, would have been shamed. In fact, Celtic would have deserved enormous credit for having done the right thing and the handful who would have tried to ruin the silence could have been flushed out.
That would have been a good thing and would not have brought condemnation on the club.
But by opting for the applause Celtic set themselves apart. They also left themselves open to all sorts of accusations and didn't help their own cause by saying they went for the applause because that's the way things are done at Celtic Park and around Europe.
Applauding has become fashionable but at this time of the year it is hardly appropriate.
There is only one proper way to remember those who made the ultimate sacrifice and that is by falling silent.
Nothing is more poignant than that silence and it wasn't Celtic's place, or the SPL's, to change that unless they had canvassed their fans and asked them what they preferred.
A handful of Celtic's Irish fans did exercise their right to protest against the wearing of poppies and the minute of remembrance on Saturday but they were ignored by the masses.
As protests go, this one was pretty feeble with some of those taking part looking more than a little embarrassed.
And that enforces the belief that Celtic should have been bold enough and confident enough in all the terrific work they are doing to weed out the last of those fans who still want to laud the IRA and cling to the past.
We all know they are there and it's silly to deny their existence.
They could and should have been outed on Saturday and that would have been another step forward for us all in this country.
The chance was lost, however, and you have to wonder what Celtic's chairman was thinking on Saturday. Does John Reid really believe applause is the correct way to remember the country's fallen?
Surely not. After all, the former Secretary of State for Defence was one of the highest-ranking politicians who sent the British Army to fight in a war that should never have been started.
He's no longer in the Government but the troops are still in Iraq and Afghanistan and the dead count gets higher.
So what does Reid think is the appropriate way? Has he ever stood at the Cenotaph and applauded? Does he think all those voters who elected him MP for Airdrie and Shotts would agree with a minute's applause?
You have to doubt very much if Reid feels applause was appropriate on such a solemn occasion but, actually, Reid did observe silence. He hasn't said a word about Celtic's decision to break ranks and that's unusual for aman who likes to talk.
Perhaps he would care to explain his silence some time. Maybe he'll let everyone know if he thinks Celtic did the right thing.
Come on John, speak up. You might even be applauded for it.
Applause Just Poppy-Cock
Gordon Waddell 9/11/08 - Daily Record
SHAME on the SPL for their Remembrance Day cowardice. I said last week to stop pandering to the brain-dead minority and restore the minute's silence.
At the time I was talking about footballers who'd passed away. Never did I think the SPL would allow a minute's applause for our war dead.
To surrender to a minority of Celtic fans threatening a protest is pathetic. Let them shame themselves instead of shaming the rest of us.
SHAME on the SPL for their Remembrance Day cowardice. I said last week to stop pandering to the brain-dead minority and restore the minute's silence.
At the time I was talking about footballers who'd passed away. Never did I think the SPL would allow a minute's applause for our war dead.
To surrender to a minority of Celtic fans threatening a protest is pathetic. Let them shame themselves instead of shaming the rest of us.
Celtic wrong on applause for war dead
Graham Spiers 10/11/08 - The Times
One of the most moving experiences of my life was in spending a week a few years ago visiting the theatres of battle of the First World War in France. These humble little villages where the fighting unfolded – such as Beaumont Hamel, Thiepval, Bapaume and Beaucourt – remain scarred and pockmarked to this day by the terrible events of 90 years ago. Farmers in the region still talk about their “Iron Harvest”, when various bits of bullet, shell or other implements of battle are dug up every day as they go about their work.
And all around this beautiful region wild poppies sway in the breeze.
I grew up wearing a poppy around the week of Armistice but, ever since that visit to France, I have worn one with an even greater sense of gratitude. The poppy, surely, is nothing if not a simple, sombre, dignified symbol of remembrance for all men and women who died in battle. The poppy is not meant to be imbued with either political or religious significance. It says simply and uncomplicatedly: “We remember them.”
This debate has spilt into the football arena this Armistice weekend, with Celtic attracting criticism for holding a minute’s applause rather than a minute’s silence before their match against Motherwell on Saturday. And, while Celtic Park resounded with appreciative applause, I believe Celtic were wrong to reject the traditional time of silence as a means of honouring Europe’s war dead.
The Celtic Park club have tried to claim that a minute’s applause is now the done thing in British football, citing the recent deaths of Tommy Burns and Jimmy Johnstone as moments when just such acts were held at Celtic Park. But the annual Armistice commemoration is different. All across Britain this weekend, almost without exception, periods of silence – for one minute or two – are being held. And there is a liturgical difference between staging a rousing applause for one man’s life, and the same act for millions who sacrificed their lives in circumstances which many would argue warrant no applause whatsoever.
This is a sensitive subject, but let’s be blunt about it. Celtic did not hold a minute’s applause on Saturday because they thought it was the new fashion. On the contrary, Celtic organised an applause because the club was worried that a minute’s silence would be marred by protesters within their ranks.
It takes a particularly skewed sense of outrage to want to desecrate a time of silence for innocent men and women who died in battle, yet that is what a few indignant hotheads wanted to do at Celtic Park. Leaflets were handed out before the Motherwell game and, of all things, those twin imposters of evil – the humble poppy and a time of silence – were deemed to be things of outrage.
It is embarrassing for Celtic that such people should cause the club a problem, and, mercifully, their particular interpretation of Armistice weekend is rejected by more than 99 per cent of Celtic fans. But that was the situation the club faced on Saturday. Peter Lawwell, the Celtic chief executive, simply could not risk the excruciating scene of a minute’s silence being violated, so applause was chosen instead.
Such controversies surrounding the more extreme elements who follow the Old Firm have their complications. Lord knows, Rangers suffer enough from it. But in Celtic’s case, the club’s Irish roots, while wanting to be rightfully celebrated, can trigger such unrest among supporters, as well as the type of offensive singing we heard again from Celtic fans at Tynecastle last weekend.
I have little doubt that this latest Armistice squabble at Celtic Park, for those who feel fevered about it, has its roots in the interface of Irish and British history. It just seems a pity to me that those who died in battle many years ago should once again be the victims.
Remembrance Weekend, surely, can rise above all the current efforts to politicise it or score points. Just as there is a small group of Celtic fans who want to upstage the memory of the Armistice as something objectionable
One of the most moving experiences of my life was in spending a week a few years ago visiting the theatres of battle of the First World War in France. These humble little villages where the fighting unfolded – such as Beaumont Hamel, Thiepval, Bapaume and Beaucourt – remain scarred and pockmarked to this day by the terrible events of 90 years ago. Farmers in the region still talk about their “Iron Harvest”, when various bits of bullet, shell or other implements of battle are dug up every day as they go about their work.
And all around this beautiful region wild poppies sway in the breeze.
I grew up wearing a poppy around the week of Armistice but, ever since that visit to France, I have worn one with an even greater sense of gratitude. The poppy, surely, is nothing if not a simple, sombre, dignified symbol of remembrance for all men and women who died in battle. The poppy is not meant to be imbued with either political or religious significance. It says simply and uncomplicatedly: “We remember them.”
This debate has spilt into the football arena this Armistice weekend, with Celtic attracting criticism for holding a minute’s applause rather than a minute’s silence before their match against Motherwell on Saturday. And, while Celtic Park resounded with appreciative applause, I believe Celtic were wrong to reject the traditional time of silence as a means of honouring Europe’s war dead.
The Celtic Park club have tried to claim that a minute’s applause is now the done thing in British football, citing the recent deaths of Tommy Burns and Jimmy Johnstone as moments when just such acts were held at Celtic Park. But the annual Armistice commemoration is different. All across Britain this weekend, almost without exception, periods of silence – for one minute or two – are being held. And there is a liturgical difference between staging a rousing applause for one man’s life, and the same act for millions who sacrificed their lives in circumstances which many would argue warrant no applause whatsoever.
This is a sensitive subject, but let’s be blunt about it. Celtic did not hold a minute’s applause on Saturday because they thought it was the new fashion. On the contrary, Celtic organised an applause because the club was worried that a minute’s silence would be marred by protesters within their ranks.
It takes a particularly skewed sense of outrage to want to desecrate a time of silence for innocent men and women who died in battle, yet that is what a few indignant hotheads wanted to do at Celtic Park. Leaflets were handed out before the Motherwell game and, of all things, those twin imposters of evil – the humble poppy and a time of silence – were deemed to be things of outrage.
It is embarrassing for Celtic that such people should cause the club a problem, and, mercifully, their particular interpretation of Armistice weekend is rejected by more than 99 per cent of Celtic fans. But that was the situation the club faced on Saturday. Peter Lawwell, the Celtic chief executive, simply could not risk the excruciating scene of a minute’s silence being violated, so applause was chosen instead.
Such controversies surrounding the more extreme elements who follow the Old Firm have their complications. Lord knows, Rangers suffer enough from it. But in Celtic’s case, the club’s Irish roots, while wanting to be rightfully celebrated, can trigger such unrest among supporters, as well as the type of offensive singing we heard again from Celtic fans at Tynecastle last weekend.
I have little doubt that this latest Armistice squabble at Celtic Park, for those who feel fevered about it, has its roots in the interface of Irish and British history. It just seems a pity to me that those who died in battle many years ago should once again be the victims.
Remembrance Weekend, surely, can rise above all the current efforts to politicise it or score points. Just as there is a small group of Celtic fans who want to upstage the memory of the Armistice as something objectionable
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Theres a second page to this website with lots more on the history of Celtic FC and their fans.
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Celtic refuse to respect minutes silence for war dead
This weekend while every single decent citizen of the UK, stood in silence to remember our fallen, a football club in Glasgow dishonoured the dead and applauded like fucking morons. This club had a leaflet and walk out protest against the British Army & The Haig Fund. Celtic Football Club. Scum bastards, The sporting wing of the I.R.A.
Friday, November 7, 2008
National Radio DJ labels Celtic fans "Scum"
Well done to everyone who helped spreading the word to the DJ who let all of Great Britain know all about the self named. Because of the history of violence celtic fans have towards members of the press I have decided to leave the persons name off here. Greatest Fans In The World
Fascist Element of Celtic Fans Plan Anti Remembrance Protest

A HARDCORE group of Celtic fans are plotting to disrupt a poppy day event at Parkhead.
They will SHUN a minute’s silence for war dead — then WALK OUT of the stadium.
The protest comes after Celtic agreed, like all other SPL clubs, to wear poppies on their jerseys this weekend.
That angered supporters group the Green Brigade, which is spearheading the planned action at Saturday’s game with Motherwell.
They are backed by Cairde Na hÉireann — a sister group of Sinn Fein — and TAL fanzine, which said: “We will be protesting against this pro-imperialist nonsense.”
They’ll hand out leaflets showing grieving Iraqi civilians and calling Hoops chairman John Reid — the former Defence Secretary — a WAR CRIMINAL.
And the Association of Irish Celtic Supporters Clubs said yesterday it should’ve been consulted over the poppy decision.
A club spokesman said: “We expect any protest to be inconsequential.”
Thursday, November 6, 2008
Celtic fan invades park again



The night proved awkward for Celtic in other aspects. Once more Celtic Park was the scene for a pitch invader to make himself known, holding up the play for a few moments in the opening half, and the Scottish champions will be nervous about Uefa’s response to the act. It is the second time in successive Champions League campaigns that such an episode has been suffered by Celtic, and a further fine and censure surely loom.
Intruder sparks fine fears
Published Date: 06 November 2008
CELTIC could face another Uefa fine after a fan ran on to the field during last night's match against Manchester United.
The man, who appeared to be wearing a Celtic scarf underneath his coat, which had a red and blue hood, encroached in the 35th minute, when Celtic were leading 1-0.
Last October, a Celtic fan ran on to the same field and touched AC Milan goalkeeper Dida, leading to Uefa fining the club £13,000. Celtic were warned they would have to pay an additional £13,000 if they failed to control their fans again in the next two years.
Dida turned to chase the fan before dropping to the ground. The Brazil international was then carried off the field on a stretcher and replaced, but was suspended for two Champions League games for pretending to be injured. The ban was reduced to one match on appeal.
Tuesday, November 4, 2008
Celtic FC asked to solve their terrorism problem
Celtic FC asked to solve their terrorism problem
A member of the Northern Ireland Assembly has called for Celtic to solve it’s terrorism problem following disgusting scenes at Tynecastle last Sunday where the visiting fans sang the praises of the IRA.
Jimmy Spratt, the Democratic Unionist MLA (Member of the Legislative Assembly) for South Belfast strongly condemned the Celtic fans responsible for the filthy chants and called on Celtic Chairman John Reid to root out the problem.
Horrified Hearts fans and television viewers across the world were subjected to horrific songs and chants in support of IRA murder gangs from 3 minutes into the game - amongst the filthy ditties were the Boys Of The Old Brigade; Roll Of Honour (about the 1981 H-Block suicides) and Oo Ah Up The Ra.
Mr Spratt had over 30 year of police service in the Royal Ulster Constabulary before entering public life and has seen the effects of terrorism at first hand. He was also Chairman of the Northern Ireland Police Federation.
His statement reads as follows:-
South Belfast DUP MLA Jimmy Spratt has called on the Scottish Premier League to take swift and decisive action against Celtic Football Club after sections of their support engaged in a series of pro-IRA chants during their recent game versus Hearts. After writing to the SPL outlining the need for action, Mr Spratt said:
"For several months Celtic Football Club has been extremely vocal in their condemnation of certain chants coming from supporters of other clubs. After listening to repeated instances of pro-IRA chanting in the course of their televised game against Hearts, their subsequent silence about the disgraceful conduct of their own supporters has been deafening.
Such glorification of terrorism has no place within sport and must be condemned outright. The Scottish Premier League must intervene and take decisive action in order to bring such chanting to an end. I would further call on the Chairman of Celtic Football Club, John Reid, to condemn those responsible and outline what measures the club intends to take to eradicate such naked sectarianism. As a former Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, he will be acutely aware of the murderous, barbarous campaign of the IRA which brought bloodshed to the streets of Northern Ireland, and indeed across the United Kingdom.
Until Celtic Football Club can get its own club in order, dictation to other clubs and supporters will be viewed as sheer temerity."
A member of the Northern Ireland Assembly has called for Celtic to solve it’s terrorism problem following disgusting scenes at Tynecastle last Sunday where the visiting fans sang the praises of the IRA.
Jimmy Spratt, the Democratic Unionist MLA (Member of the Legislative Assembly) for South Belfast strongly condemned the Celtic fans responsible for the filthy chants and called on Celtic Chairman John Reid to root out the problem.
Horrified Hearts fans and television viewers across the world were subjected to horrific songs and chants in support of IRA murder gangs from 3 minutes into the game - amongst the filthy ditties were the Boys Of The Old Brigade; Roll Of Honour (about the 1981 H-Block suicides) and Oo Ah Up The Ra.
Mr Spratt had over 30 year of police service in the Royal Ulster Constabulary before entering public life and has seen the effects of terrorism at first hand. He was also Chairman of the Northern Ireland Police Federation.
His statement reads as follows:-
South Belfast DUP MLA Jimmy Spratt has called on the Scottish Premier League to take swift and decisive action against Celtic Football Club after sections of their support engaged in a series of pro-IRA chants during their recent game versus Hearts. After writing to the SPL outlining the need for action, Mr Spratt said:
"For several months Celtic Football Club has been extremely vocal in their condemnation of certain chants coming from supporters of other clubs. After listening to repeated instances of pro-IRA chanting in the course of their televised game against Hearts, their subsequent silence about the disgraceful conduct of their own supporters has been deafening.
Such glorification of terrorism has no place within sport and must be condemned outright. The Scottish Premier League must intervene and take decisive action in order to bring such chanting to an end. I would further call on the Chairman of Celtic Football Club, John Reid, to condemn those responsible and outline what measures the club intends to take to eradicate such naked sectarianism. As a former Secretary of State for Northern Ireland, he will be acutely aware of the murderous, barbarous campaign of the IRA which brought bloodshed to the streets of Northern Ireland, and indeed across the United Kingdom.
Until Celtic Football Club can get its own club in order, dictation to other clubs and supporters will be viewed as sheer temerity."
Monday, November 3, 2008
CELTIC FANS IRA songs storm
CELTIC fans were blasted last night for allegedly singing pro-IRA chants during their 2-0 win over Hearts yesterday.
Punters watching the Tynecastle match on TV claimed a section of the support sang IRA anthem ‘The Boys of the Old Brigade’ and “Ooh Ah Up the ‘RA”.
One disgusted viewer said: “Celtic seemed to have taken great strides in wiping this filth out at Parkhead. Unfortunately a large section of the travelling support seem hell bent on dragging the club through the mud.”
Last night a Celtic spokesman said: “Anyone found guilty of such behaviour will be dealt with in the strongest possible way.”
Cops arrested two fans and ejected two others at Tynecastle but would not say what for. Stewards threw out 12 supporters.
Punters watching the Tynecastle match on TV claimed a section of the support sang IRA anthem ‘The Boys of the Old Brigade’ and “Ooh Ah Up the ‘RA”.
One disgusted viewer said: “Celtic seemed to have taken great strides in wiping this filth out at Parkhead. Unfortunately a large section of the travelling support seem hell bent on dragging the club through the mud.”
Last night a Celtic spokesman said: “Anyone found guilty of such behaviour will be dealt with in the strongest possible way.”
Cops arrested two fans and ejected two others at Tynecastle but would not say what for. Stewards threw out 12 supporters.
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