Tuesday, April 3, 2012

Celtic fans chief in sectarian comments

A GLASGOW CELTIC football supporter has apologised after posting sectarian comments online about the sinking of the Titanic.

Joe O’Rourke, general secretary of the Celtic supporters’ association, says he is “genuinely sorry” for the sickening remarks on Twitter when he signalled his apparent regret that the predominantly Protestant Harland and Wolff workforce were not on board the stricken vessel.

In reply to another user who said, “aye while the prods were building the Titanic all the Catholics were building an iceberg”, Mr O’Rourke said: “Brilliant, the only problem is, the ones who built it didn’t sail on it.”

The senior Celtic fan’s comments, posted on Saturday, sparked an outcry which prompted Mr O’Rourke to declare he would no longer be using the micro-blogging site for the “foreseeable future”.

He said: “I made a comment yesterday regarding the Titanic, it has upset a number of people, for that I am genuinely sorry and offer my sincere apology.”

He later added: “The abuse on here has now reached a level that is not acceptable, so I will be withdrawing from Twitter for the foreseeable future.”

A number of News Letter readers hit out at Mr O’Rourke.

One said: “The tragic events surrounding Titanic do not deserve to be mocked, that is sick. To use these events to direct hatred at the Protestant faith is beyond reprehensible.”

Another said: “As a descendent of a former shipbuilder who narrowly escaped with his life during the construction of this vessel, I am adamant that blatant sectarianism from persons in such positions of power should be exposed.” 
