Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Celtic fans jailed for drunken attack on Wood Green Rangers fan


Friday, May 13, 2011 

Two Celtic fans have been jailed for 15 years between them after dousing a fellow Scot in boiling water and beating him with a kettle and table leg.

William Boyle, 43, and Marty Fullerton, 24, battered Alexander MacGillivray until the kettle broke in the drunken revenge attack at his flat in Green Lanes, Wood Green, last year.
Boyle and Fullerton, who was wearing a Celtic shirt, shouted: “Proddy b******” and “Kill the b******” as they battered him.
Celtic are supported largely by Catholics in Scotland while Protestants tend to follow their rivals Rangers.
Snaresbrook Crown Court heard Catholics Boyle and Fullerton were with a third man, Gregory O’Goan, who was not charged in relation to the attack on July 14, 2010.
Boyle had called Fullerton and Mr O’Goan to help him take revenge on Mr MacGillivray, who had scuffled with Boyle in the sheltered accommodation the two men shared in Wood Green, leaving Boyle with a three centimetre cut to his head.
The three men went to Mr MacGillivray’s flat armed with the kettle and table leg to exact revenge, breaking down his door, the court heard.
Prosecutor Joanna Staples said: “Mr Boyle started hitting him with the table leg on his arms, legs, side and shoulders.
“Mr Fullerton was holding the kettle in his hand and Mr MacGillivray was able to see steam rising from it. The contents were thrown at him, hitting him on the front.
“He was then hit by Mr Fullerton with the kettle repeatedly until it broke. Mr MacGillivray says that parts of the broken kettle were then used to stab towards his left arm. He then describes the assault continuing with fists.
“He said that at one point Mr Fullerton grabbed the floor lamp, which was weighted at the bottom, and used that to hit him as well.”
Boyle later told officers: “I got beaten up because I’m Catholic.”
Jailing the pair for seven-and-a-half years each today (May 13), Judge Nicholas Huskinson said: “I view this as a very serious offence. Both defendants were very drunk and had armed themselves beforehand.
“They invaded Mr MacGillivray’s home by breaking down the door, something I view as a serious aggravating factor.”
Boyle, of Cheshire House, Cameron Close, Edmonton, and Fullerton, of Arundel House, Heritage Close, Uxbridge, both admitted wounding with intent to cause grievous bodily harm in January.