Monday, February 28, 2011

Police hunt Celtic fan for racist abuse

Police are hunting Celtic fans who rained down racist abuse on a black Senegalese footballer at Celtic Park.

One Celtic fan on popular Celtic fansite Kerrydale Street commented that "The guy beside me was doing it as well." 

Another Celtic regular claimed "Over the years I have heard a number of players being racially abused from individual supporters and it really is sickening."

One Celtic die hard added "doesnt suprise me one little bit, there are too many thick stupid Celtic fans kicking about these days"



CELTIC supporters were outraged by the actions of the sick fan who made monkey gestures at Rangers black star El Hadji Diouf during last week's crunch Old Firm league game.

The man ran down a stairway from his seat in the Jock Stein Stand to taunt Diouf by the pitch and made jungle noises at the Senegalese winger as he was preparing to take a corner during Celtic's 3-0 victory at Parkhead. 

Shocked Hoops fan Paul McAteer, 30, said: "I heard him make the 'oooohhhh, oooohhh, oooohh' monkey sound and saw him arc his arms like a monkey. 

"We were all booing Diouf, but nobody could believe this guy. He was shouted at to get lost and ran back to the top of the stand. We were disgusted." 

Paul's brother Gary, 26, was also watching the SPL clash, and said: "The guy wasn't sitting in the front row but ran down and started acting like a monkey. He only did it for a few seconds, but that was enough. It was shocking. 

"Diouf is not exactly a favourite at Parkhead, but nobody deserves that. 

"Despite there being hundreds of police on duty, they appeared not to notice this, so well done News of the World." 

We've passed the shameful yob's picture to officials at Celtic and Rangers and Strathclyde Police are trying to identify him.

Parkhead bosses have contacted fans in surrounding seats, as well as supporters' clubs, to try to name the culprit. 

Another Celtic fan added: "We have no room for racist morons like this guy. He should be thrown out, no questions asked. 

"I was appalled he thought it was OK to make a fool of a man because of the colour of his skin."
Ged Grebby from charity Show Racism The Red Card said: "We are calling for a ban of between three and five years. 

"Nobody should have to see this. It is abhorrently racist." 

Strathclyde Police said: "Inappropriate behaviour of a racist, sectarian or any other nature will not be tolerated." 

And Celtic added: "The club will take the strongest appropriate action."