Tuesday, November 9, 2010

Celtic Supporters Trust support fascist protest by bigoted fans


Celtic Trust statement re the Poppy

Celtic Football Club was established by Irish immigrants in Scotland. Its founders instigated a club that would forthwith be open to players and supporters regardless of ethnic, national and religious background. Our supporters include people who have a broad range of community and national backgrounds and histories and all are welcomed into the Celtic family thus enriching our cultural environment. 

Mindful of the variations in how war can be understood, interpreted and remembered and sensitive to the multiple experiences and perceptions of those that constitute the Celtic community as well as beyond, the Celtic Trust has been against the forced and manipulative nature of poppy wearing in latter years, not least amongst the football community in Scotland. We are particularly against the practice of using the team shirt to promote this symbol and we welcome the news that this practice will end this year. We note that a broad public debate appears to be opening up on this question and that other individuals and organisations outwith football are concerned about the coercive atmosphere around the wearing and display of poppies.

We further note with dismay the demonising of those people who exercise their right to free speech and dissent on this question and we oppose any action which may be taken against anyone who chooses to peacefully demonstrate their point of view, whether in a football ground or elsewhere.