Friday, November 12, 2010

Celtic fans riot at Tynecastle

Scottish sun

 COPS used CS gas spray on Celtic yobs after they were pelted with pies and Mars bars.
The missiles were stolen from a food kiosk as trouble erupted at Wednesday's match against Hearts.

Last night police confirmed officers TWICE used riot-control spray to quell violence before, during and after the match. A source said: "The trouble seemed to be sparked by a rumour that a Celtic supporter had been slashed.

"The tear gas was first used before the game - some people were out of control.Then a fan was grabbed by cops after he set off a firework in the stadium.

"Some louts besieged a food stall and grabbed pies and Mars bars to throw at the police. CS spray was used again on fans outside the ground after the game."

Lothian and Borders Police said they made two arrests at Tynecastle as Hearts won 2-0. A spokesman added: "CS spray was used twice to ensure public safety."

A Celtic spokesman said: "We'll deal in the strongest terms with those identified."