Friday, October 30, 2009


Written by Alarcin on Nov-10-08 12:07am


Yesterday, on Remembrance Sunday, The nation acknowledged the ultimate sacrifice made by Britain ’s war dead at the annual Remembrance Sunday ceremony. The Monarch joined senior royals, Prime Minister Gordon Brown and other political leaders in laying wreaths at the Cenotaph Memorial in Whitehall , central London . The solemn gesture took place in front of thousands of veterans who also gathered to pay their respects at this year’s events, which will culminate in the 90th anniversary of the end of the First World War on November 11th. A parade of serviceman and veterans followed (pictured above).

It should also be reported that at sporting events across the UK throughout the weekend, respectful and dignified minutes’ silences were observed to honour our service personnel. In every sporting arena save one. To their eternal shame, the officials of Glasgow Celtic Football Club bowed to a small minority of bigotted followers of extreme Irish republicanism within the ranks of their supporters and held a “minutes’ applause” instead of a minutes’ silence before their home Scottish Premier League soccer match against Motherwell at Celtic Park , Glasgow on Saturday. The rationale behind this craven surrender to mindless bigotry was reportedly that a minutes’ applause would drown out the noise of any dissent from deluded individuals who apparently perceive showing respect for the dead of 2 world wars and current conflicts as anti-Roman Catholic and/or anti-IRA. That Celtic Football Club, who have lost many players and countless supporters in the service of the British armed forces over the years, should give in to such bigoted nonsense is an indelible stain on the club’s good name and a disgraceful insult to the whole of Scotland . And the next time these same blinkered morons, so quick to portray themselves as “victims” and “targets for sectarianism”, call for a minutes’ silence at a Celtic football match for a dead Pope, they will have no cause for complaint if many in the crowd decide instead to show their “respect” by applauding the demise of a former German anti-aircraft gunner.


Thursday October 15,2009

By Andy McInnes
A FURIOUS row is brewing over how Falkirk and Celtic fans will be asked to show their respects at the Remembrance Day fixture on Sunday November 8.

Angry Bairns fans last night aired their fears on sports websites that a two minute applause rather than silence will be ordered by either the club or SPL officials before the game which will be shown live by ESPN kicks off.

One supporter posted a message saying he was " totally disgusted " at the thought of applauding and warned that such a move would make a farce of the day and would bring " bad publicity" for Scottish football as the match was being screened throughout the country.

While another called himself Bairn4life said " we should not give in to them ( Celtic) as it is supposed to be a time of reflection not joy " Another opposition fan declared : " It would be ridiculous if my club was to change things to suit a minority"

But last night Falkirk's Operations manager Keith Hogg insisted no decison had yet been taken on the issue and that they would be seeking guidance from the SPL .

" We haven't started our planning for the Celtic match yet." he added " In the past we have had applause to commemorate an individual as after the death of former player Paul McGrillen and we've also held a period of silence on other occasions when we felt that was the most appropriate action.

" We will be speaking to the SPL and seeking their guidance over the next couple of days before any decision is taken "

Last night SPL spokesman Greg Mailer revealed the issue would be raised today at a Board Meeting.

" As last year was the 90th anniversary of Armistace Day we teamed up with Poppy Scotland and asked clubs to do something special. But before that we did not dictate what anyone should do allowing individual clubs the choice between silence and applause.

1. Celtic FC is the only senior club in British football that refuses to fly the Union flag over their stadium!

2. Celtic FC does NOT allow British service personnel to wear their uniforms within their stadium!

3. Last night you had the managers of Liverpool, Arsenal, Chelsea & Hearts (None of whom come from these shores!) all wearing poppies to remember the dead and injured……….and what about the ENGLISH manager of Celtic???? To HIS shame he DID NOT show the same respect!!!

4. It's spoken about this privately and yet you read and hear very little in the national press or media. This is because if you speak out you are branded a bigot, who REALLY are the bigots?

5. “They” have a much more active PR others do, if they sing a word out of place then UEFA, the Irish Government, the BBC and the rest of the media are involved……making it front page headlines!

6. It is time that Celtic FC are named and shamed………… we need action…………..lets hear you voices…. Please, spread the word.

Monday, October 26, 2009

Celtic controversy over links between its fans and the IRA

by Paul Drury, Mail on Sunday Article from January 2006

Celtic football club was yesterday facing fresh controversy over alleged links between its fans and the IRA. The club was recently forced to condemn sectarianism after two players were filmed at a supporters event in Ireland, during which chants of sin (sic) Fein and IRA could be heard.

Now the club itself is at the centre of the storm after agreeing to allow a football trophy named after an IRA intelligence chief to be paraded around Celtic park despite the clubs insistence that it `condemns` support for paramilitary organisations.

All-Ireland champions Tyrone have been allowed to take the Sam Maguire cup on a lap of honour of the ground before the sold outmatch with Dundee utd on Jan 28.

However, Sam Maguire was head of IRA operations in London around the time of the Easter rising in 1916. It has been suggested he ordered the IRA murder of conservative mp sir Henry Wilson in June 1922.

Maguire is a revered figure in Republican circles, having sworn in Michael Collins to the Irish Republican Brotherhood in 1909.

The disclosure will come as a major embarrassment for Celtic who outlined they`re stance on the IRA only last Wednesday.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

All the facts

I have put every old post on one page to save you all from sifting through all the pages.

It may take a while to load as there is a lot on there.


Celtic; founded by cheats, thieves and liars

An open letter to Hibernian Football Club that was published in the "Scottish Umpire" on 7 August, 1888.

This is only a matter of weeks after a Celtic side took to the field for the first time.

Sunday Mail on "Celtics IRA loving elements"

NEW faces, same old wimps. Shame on the SPL for their Remembrance Sunday cop-out.

After Celtic asked Falkirk for a minute's applause instead of silence on November 8 the Bairns turned to league chiefs for guidance.

And their answer was "your home game, your problem".

It's not. It's Celtic's problem and shame on them too for not having the balls to take responsibility.

I'm not a big fan of the minute's applause anyway but you can almost understand it as a tribute to a club legend.

But for the millions of fallen from world wars? It's an outrage.

Falkirk managing director George Craig will make the right decision and tell his pea-hearted opposite number to take a hike I'm sure.

Let the IRA-loving "elements" of Celtic's support shame themselves.

Don't ask our club to shame those of us with morals.

Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Celtic and the IRA death squads
Wednesday, 14th October 2009

Celtic keep playing with fire and they've been burnt again. Collection for Continuity IRA prisoners at game.
I've always said Celtic were a Catholic club and not an Irish one. It is religion which is their motive force not nationality. Of course they have a vast and convoluted theology of apologia designed to deflect criticism but you can rip that down in seconds like Indiana Jones sweeping aside a thousands years of cobwebs as he examines some ancient tunnel.

Some Celtic directors, players, employees and fans continue to revel in the culture of sectarianism and violence. They dress it up by calling it political or cultural - what it comes down to is the cheap thrill of supporting violence from the side lines. But there comes a time for reckoning when their apologists can't explain away certain events.

Whilst most of Ireland has moved on 15 years after the first ceasefires why did the reptiles of Republican Sinn Fein feel they would have a good reception collecting money outside the Cliftonville v Celtic friendly game in Belfast last night?

All those nods and winks to republican violence that Celtic tolerate and shamefully promote.

Only the other week the Celtic View had a front page featuring Irishman Paddy McCourt in a red triangle and the slogan "Genius At Work." A little too close to the infamous South Armagh "Sniper At Work" sign to be be a coincidence?

All those nods, winks and sniggers with songs like "Let the people sing" over the Parkhead tannoy - they might be the stuff of a seemingly harmless night of hate in some East End slophouse but in Ulster they end with murdered policemen, with Protestants intimidated out of their homes, of bombs in town centres.

Ireland, however you define it, has moved on from the Troubles. Isn't it about time Celtic joined the rest of us and ditched their obsession with hate?

Tuesday, October 13, 2009

Tottenham Hotspur fan questions Celtic over IRA & Racist songs top story for 12 & 13th Oct 2009

Tottenham Hostspur fan questions Celtic's Chief Executive Peter Lawwell's plans to move to English Premiership

"Will Celtic be prepared to clamp down on the singing of anti-English and/or IRA-related chants and songs by their supporters?

"I for one don’t want them singing their filth inside White Hart Lane. And I would hazard a guess that this would apply to most English clubs... well, except maybe the Scousers, but the less said about them the better.

So there you go, it’s going to be hard to put together a case for these two to ever play in the Premier League. However, I pride myself on being diplomatic, so I’ll offer you an olive branch... if you take Newcastle United off our hands, we’ll talk. See you Jimmy."

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Celtic fascists in IRA banner display

Celtic fans proudly displayed a banner honouring IRA murderer Tom Williams at Ibrox Park on 4th October 2009.

Tom Williams was member of the IRA who shot and murdered constable Pat Murphy of the RUC in 1942. Constable Murphy was a father of 9 children and the most ironic thing of all was that he was a practising Roman Catholic

Williams was tried along with 6 others and all were sentenced to be hung but 5 of them got a reprieve.

He was hung in Crumlin Road Jail and his body remained there until 2000 when he was re-buried.

More information on IRA atrocities supported by Celtic fans can be viewed at

To be fair and balanced I must congratulate the small group of Celtic fans who flew an anti-racist flag who have grown tired of the terrorist sing-a-longs and the recent racist abuse aimed at footballer Maurice Edu.

The flag read "Support Celtc, Not Racism"

Hopefully the majority of Celtic fans can start to follow this simple statement from a small band of their supporters.

Same old Celtic, always cheating

Celtic have been crowned Europe's biggest cheats.

Just 2 months into 2009/10 season Celtic players have already received 3 cautions for diving.

No other team in the continent come close to this humiliating record.

The 3 Celtic players snared for cheating are;
Aiden McGeady
Shaun Maloney
Mark Wilson